Welcome to www.socialwork.de


The internationalization of Social Work is progressing. We found out that many social workers from different parts of the world are interested in Social Work in Germany but aren´t able to get sufficient information since they don´t speak German. Just a few web pages offer an English translation and none of the portals do. At the same time, most Germans are able to speak or at least to understand English. Therefore, in many cases it is possible to make an inquiry in English. But how can you find out who is able to help you with your specific request and might be the right person to contact?

This page is here to assist you. It gives you an overview of Social Work in Germany. There are different categories such as Universities, Journals and WebPortals. With each entry you will find a short description, the email address and an URL. With this information you should be able to get the information you are looking for.  

Your comments and remarks on this site are very welcome.