Web Portals
This is the best way to get an overview of different aspects of Social Work in Germany. At the web portals you can find introductory information and addresses. Basically you get the same information as you get here, but many of them offer more than that: newsgroups, current informations about conferences in Germany, regulary dispatches and the latest changes in the laws governing social welfare and social work. Just try them.
Text from the original webpage:
Welcome to sozialarbeitswissenschaften.de, the information platform all around the science and research of social work. Our primary goal is to form a network of people interested in organising social work as a discipline and a profession. We would be happy to receive your opinions and reviews (as well as critical comments and ideas) in English or any other language. If you would like to participate in discussions about the science of social work, you can do so in English and German at NAVIGATION>FORUM. You can register at NAVIGATION>MAILINGLISTE. We hope you will participate, in any language. Dates and venues of conferences, seminars and meetings can be found at NAVIGATION>TAGUNGEN/TERMINE. Please inform us of dates and venues of interesting events, where ever in the world they may take place. At USER LOGIN>REGISTRIEREN you can register as a user of the internet gate. Complete texts concerning the science of social work can be found at NAVIGATION>VOLLTEXTE/BOOKS. Please inform us of complete texts and links in other languages also. The same is valid for REZENSIONEN (reviews) and ARTIKEL. You can also register and tell us about anything you like or dislike in the GÄSTEBUCH.
At this webpage you will find a variety of information. Of particular interest is the mailing-list (find more information about this at the section “mailing list”). Further on you will find student theses, a list of projects from Social Work practice and a section where you can look for a job or sign in (in case you are looking for a new job). The list of over 350 social workers who introduce themselves with their current position, their main working focus and a short description of their educational history tells you quite a bit about the state of the profession in Germany.
SAIN is an informative webpage which includes current news about social topics. You can find information about conferences and vocational training courses. There is a large interactive section with a forum, a chat room (a cooperation among several websites), some links to newsgroups and a irregular newsletter. At SAIN you find an impressive selection of different kinds of texts: seminar, master and PhD theses, laws, articles and studies. There is also a link to current reviews of books on social work and related fields. In the download section (Archiv -> Download) you will find helpful software. There is a large database of social projects (see also: www.einrichtungen-sozial.de)
This Website is mainly a huge links archive with over 1000 links in 150 categories. If you subscribe to the newsletter you will be informed about newly added links. If you just need the link archive, you can go to www.sozialwesen-info.de. There is cooperation with www.soziale.de, so you get the latest job announcement from that site too. The page offers news about social topics which are updated every hour.
(no contact address)
Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit (DBSH)
The DBSH is a member of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and the official trade association of social workers in Germany. It offers a wide variety of services for its members. It gives advice on legal affairs and professional questions. The DBSH is the publisher of the magazine Forum Sozial. The webpage of the DBSH provides you with a wide variety of services - unfortunately there is no English version available.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialarbeit (DGS)
The DGS is a national organization and a forum for Social Work in Germany. It supports the internationalization of Social Work. On its webpage it provides information and news about the DGS, documentation from its congresses and working groups, some online texts and a forum for PhD theses in Social Work. Currently there is no English version of the page available.
ISA primarily wants to offer information on the choice of study offered in the most sought after subjects, in a comprehensible data-protected homepage. Schoolchildren, students and those who are entitled to study, can look at job perspectives for the graduate on the labor market.
Even if it is a world-wide resource I decided to list this site on my web page. The reason is that it is the worlds largest database for social work resources. It contains over 86 000 links. For that reason you will find there valuable information about social work in Germany, too.
The site was created to facilitate social workers' access to information available on the WWW. The mission of this site has always been to help social workers throughout the world obtain the WWW-based information they need. Goals flowing from this mission are:
- to provide links to as comprehensive a range of social service relevant information as possible
- to provide links to high quality sources
- to allow key word searching and browsing of entries in the database
- to provide a well-maintained, reliably operating site
- to be responsive to user input